Monday 24 November 2008

Love Me Or Hate Me

Love me or hate me, it's still an obsession.

Love me or hate me, that is the question.

If you love me then thank you!

If you hate me then fuck you!

Lady Sovereign - Love Me Or Hate Me

Love Me OR hate me....................................It's still an obsession, I can't believe it's two years to the day, since I join Second Life! wow! Second Life is very like this song.... well at least mine has been, sadly for a lot the time here I have allowed people to make me feel guilty for being happy here, how screwed up is that? Along the way I have hurt some people and been in turn hurt, by others.
The thing that makes SL unique in my view is that it has such an openness to it. You can do and be whomever you wish or desire, and there my friends lays both the joy and the problems. At what point does the wishes of others become a factor in living your life here? or indeed do they ever? These are questions that are hard to answer and after 2 years here I am still at times struggling with them, myself.
I have recently settled on the view that I am here, happy and basically people can take me for who I am or not..... Many people chose routes that are not like this and feel that because in this world it is so easy to change anything that it’s easier to simply do, just that and are able to lead full and happy lives here. That I acknowledge is in many ways much more stressful, and whenever I think of that I think of that old saying “it is better to be hated for what you are then loved for what you are not” I would change that I think and hell it’s my blog, so I can do just that ;-) Don’t let anyone other than you choose whom you wish to be, the first step, is to love who you are and then let people love you.....if they wish.
Another important point, in my view, is to give those you love the chance to love you for who you are, you never know you might be surprised to find that they love who you want to be more than they love who you think they want you to mmm I will have to try to get my head around that one later!!!! Giggles madly, I am and will always be Taimi there are those that think that they didn’t know me as such, and for them, I can shed no tear, it’s their loss and their obsession, for the rest of those in SL, I welcome you to share in my life if you wish, or to not, but it is on my terms that I share my life here with anyone. I do what i'm doin YEAH! So everybody's entitled to opinions, I open my mouth and sh**, I got millions.

Much Love


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